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2010 – New Release Invites Christians to Explore Their Relationship to God
Poisoned Wine
is released by author CJ Davidson

This thought-provoking book explores the history of the Roman Catholic Church and the pope’s union with the German king, forming the Holy Roman Empire, and the consequences to faith. The victors of World War II revived the empire, which was suspended in 1806, according to the author, and globalism and Catholicism now engulf the nations of the world.

The author traces the Trinitarian doctrine from the early councils of the Roman Catholic Church to the “end-time” government, searching the Bible for doctrinal roots and quoting relevant passages. She urges readers to have a true relationship with God: “Not only must a person personally know God, but God must also personally know him or her.

It must be a mutual acquaintance.”

In Poisoned Wine, Davidson details how many Christians view the Trinitarian doctrine as gospel, thanks to the fathers of the Catholic church who taught that God is one but “exists in three ‘persons’ – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” The evolving doctrine became embedded into the Christian world when it was officially formulated at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD and further strengthened by the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. It’s not just contemporary Christians who struggle with this idea. Not even Jesus’ disciples knew he was the Messiah, the author claims, until after His resurrection from the grave when the veil was torn from their hearts.

The Apostolic doctrine, the author writes, “says Jesus is Almighty God (Yeshua of the Old Testament) manifested in flesh” and it is only those who believe in Jesus as Lord who will be saved.
Author Caroline Davidson, a retired schoolteacher, lives near Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband. The book began as research 11 years ago for a letter to explain the Apostolic doctrine to her eldest daughter (she has three), who couldn’t distinguish the Apostolic doctrine from the Trinitarian doctrine.

The explanation proved too lengthy for a letter, so Davidson began writing Poisoned Wine.
For further information contact: Ray Robinson at 317-228-3656, via email at RayR@DogEarPublishing.net,
or through the website at: www.dogearpublishing.net.
Poisoned Wine

CJ Davidson
Dog Ear Publishing
ISBN: 978-160844-520-2
232 pages

Available at Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders and fine bookstores everywhere

Historical facts about past empires exist in many books and preachers write reams of material from biblical prophesies predicting a one-world empire, but few scholars mention the staggering events that bridge the gap between the old empires and the colossal end-time empire. Many people shy away from talk about a troubled future, but this harsh and ruthless government is coming anyway. A wise person will study all bits and pieces of related information to avoid being surprised when the end-time happenings begin to unfold. The end-time government will be a continuation of the Holy Roman Empire (800), which was a union of church and state ruled by a Roman emperor and a Catholic pope. Through the United Nations this revived religious empire will force all the people of the earth to give total allegiance and support to the False Prophet, the Antichrist, and the one-world government.

Poisoned Wine bridges the gap between the former Holy Roman Empire and the end-time world government. It delves into the history of the Roman Catholic Church and the pope’s union with the German king, forming the Holy Roman Empire. This Empire was suspended in 1806 but was revived by the victors of World War II. Globalism and Catholicism now saturate the nations of the earth. World imperialism is just around the corner. According to the biblical point of view, the Roman Catholic Church will be very involved with the end-time Holy Roman Empire.

This book reveals the biblical roots of the Trinitarian doctrine and compares them to the Apostolic doctrine. The author addresses such questions as, what did Paul and Jude say about this doctrine? Did the apostles believe Jesus was the second person in the Godhead? Will the Catholic Church force her doctrine on all people as she did in the days of old? Must one belong to the Roman Catholic Church to be saved? Are works of salvation required for salvation? The plump, juicy fruit harvested from the vine of the earth produces endless kegs of wine that has an alluring color and an irresistible flavor, but its attractiveness belies its deadliness.

The Trinitarian doctrine changes the Apostolic doctrine just enough to make it false but not enough to make it unbelievable. Peter denied the Trinitarian doctrine when he said one must repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. During the Great Tribulation one must choose whether to carry the name of Jesus through baptism or take the mark of the Beast (666) by swearing allegiance to the Antichrist and his government.